Thursday 3 October 2013

Drawing set!

Now that my theme is chosen I realise that the vintage fairground has been done before therefore I wanted to take a different approach to it. In the summer holidays I went to Bowes musueum and seen the Tim Walker exhibition which was brilliant. I remember specifically liking the photographs where items were hanging from trees. This inspired me to incorporate this into my theme and create my drawing set. 

This was attempt number one which was successful for about 2 hours then just kept falling over. I also think this against my research was making it look lost therefore I decided to take things bigger and better! But just at home where I had more room, items and space. 

I bought this apple crate ages ago but never got round to actually using it so I decided to paint it in a colour from my palette to be apart of my drawing set. 

First I made a good backdrop to incorporate the theme a little better. Then it was time for the tricky part...

But after a good few attempts, lots of sand and string I got it up and steady. Well for a good few hours, then it collapsed. On the plus side I got plenty of photos to draw from and really liked the outcome. 

Mood board

I love doing mood boards so I was happy to be doing one for this project unlike last year when we just did drawing sheets and had the research in a sketchbook. I feel it gives me more inspiration about my concept all there on one piece of card. So after nearly slicing my fingers off several times with my craft knife I'm happy with the final outcome.